We've all heard that we need calcium for strong bones, for the prevention of osteoporosis, easing muscle cramps and basic cellular function. However, most people are unaware that magnesium and calcium should not be taken at the same time for fundamental absorbency. With up to 80% of Americans deficient in magnesium, each needs to be taken at a different time to allow the body to properly absorb each mineral for appropriate distribution to your body's cells and tissue. In fact, taking magnesium and calcium together can make make matters worse or leave you at ground zero with continued deficiency.

Magnesium and calcium need each other to fulfill their functions in our bodies. Magnesium is responsible for making sure calcium enters each of our cells. So for calcium to do its job - there must be enough magnesium. Excessive calcium intake and insufficient magnesium levels can lead to a multitude of health issues. When there is a magnesium deficiency, a calcium abundance can create other detrimental health issues such as muscle cramps, kidney stones, and can actually contribute to osteoporosis. So how does one attain the correct levels of calcium and magnesium for optimum health?

Most nutrition experts recommend taking a two to one ratio of magnesium to calcium. Magnesium should be taken in the morning and before bedtime for better utilization and improved sleep. Calcium should be taken separately during the day so the magnesium already working in your body will help you absorb the calcium. The reason for separating the taking of the two by a few hours is that calcium acts an antagonist towards magnesium as that together they biochemically cancel each other out. 

That's why taking a calcium and magnesium supplement together is not the best way to get both of these important minerals, despite what many will tell you. So the answer to how to make sure you are getting the correct and healthy amounts of magnesium and calcium? Take a highly absorbent magnesium supplement like Mag-Tab®SR in the morning and evening and during the day ingest a highly absorbent calcium supplement like Oscal or Citracal. Always remember to space out the timing of taking your supplements! And that is the simple answer to this complex health situation.